Driving Success Dashboard
Driving Success: Tracking Targets, Engaging Contributors, and Amplifying Donations for our Nonprofit.
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Driving Success: Tracking Targets, Engaging Contributors, and Amplifying Donations for our Nonprofit.
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The dashboard begins by showcasing the nonprofit’s overall goals, followed by a section displaying LYBUNT (Last Year But Not This) and SYBUNT (Some Year But Not This) donors per households and organization. These are presented alongside a list of previous donors for the team to follow up on. Additionally, the dashboard includes information on overdue accounts and donations that are currently open in the donation phase.
Below, we present a breakdown of the specific components featured in the above dashboard:
What it measures: This shows my nonprofit's progress towards its current year's fundraising target, similar to the speedometer in the car. In the above, we can see that we have achieved $197K or 66% of the total donation goal of $300K for the year.
Why it’s important: This shows how close my nonprofit is to reaching its fundraising goal for the year. It helps the organization see if they're doing well or if we need to make changes to their fundraising plans.With a single click we can see multiple options for the various time periods that can be selected.
What it measures: The "New Donors Goal" chart showcases the organization's current progress in acquiring new donors for the year, visually showing the number of new supporters for the nonprofit. For example, the nonprofit gained four new supporters this year which represents 10% progress towards the yearly goal of 40 new donors.
Why it’s important: Tracking these new donors provides insights into the effectiveness of donor acquisition strategies, allowing the organization to optimize efforts and expand its donor base.
What it measures: "LYBUNT Households" displays the number of household accounts who have donated Last Year But Unfortunately Not This Year. This metric is showing that there were five households who donated last year, but not this year.
Why it’s important: Understanding the count of LYBUNT households is important as it helps the nonprofit identify how many donors who have previously supported to the nonprofit last year but have not made any donations in the current year. The fund manager can use this information to create targeted campaigns for these five households and re-engage with these donors in order to increase the donations for the nonprofit.
What it measures: "SYBUNT Households" displays the number of household accounts who have donated Some Years But Unfortunately Not This Year. This component is showing that there are 192 previous donors who have donated previously in the past, but not this year.
Why it’s important: Understanding the count of SYBUNT households is important as it helps nonprofits identify a specific group of donors who have made contributions the past, but not in the current year. This information allows the nonprofit to tailor its outreach and engagement strategies to reconnect with these donors to potentially regain their support, thus maximizing donor retention and overall fundraising effectiveness.
What it measures: This component displays the number of companies who have donated Last Year But Unfortunately Not This Year. In this component, there are zero companies that have donated last year but not this year, which indicates that all previous donors have indeed continued their donations this year with the nonprofit.
Why it’s important: Understanding the count of LYBUNT organizations is important as it helps the nonprofit identify a specific group of donors who have previously supported last year, but have not made any contributions for the current year. This information enables the nonprofit to create targeted campaigns for follow-up and re-engagement efforts to potentially regain the support of these companies, increasing donor retention rates.
What it measures: This component displays the number of companies who have donated Some Years But Unfortunately Not This Year. In the component, we see there are six companies who have contributed in the past, but not this year.
Why it’s important: Understanding the count of SYBUNT Org is important as it helps the nonprofit identify a specific group of donors who have made contributions in the past but not in the current year. With this information, the nonprofit can tailor outreach and engagement strategies to reconnect with these companies who previously have donated and potentially regain their support in order to maximizing organizational donor retention and overall fundraising effectiveness.
What it measures: This Donor List shows donors who have not contributed this year. It shows the donor’s name, contact name, donation total, donation average, and last year's donation amounts.
Why it’s important: This list helps organizations identify specific donors who have not contributed in the current year. Fund Managers can then create targeted efforts to re-engage with these donors and foster stronger relationships to potentially increase future donations.
What it measures: This component presents a chart with account names and the corresponding amounts for those who require follow-up due to outstanding payments. In this chart, it shows the Chen Household has an outstanding payment of $11k.
Why it’s important: This chart helps nonprofits identify and prioritize donor’s accounts that need attention to ensure timely payment collection.
What it measures: This chart illustrates a funnel that represents the progression of open donations through various phases or stages of the donation process, indicating the dollar amount associated with each step. The funnel begins at the top with the initial phases and progresses downwards towards the final stages just before the donation is completed, with the dollar amount reflecting the value at each stage in the sequence. As you can see, $7.1k is very close to closing.
Why it’s important: This provides the nonprofit with a clear understanding of the status and progression of open donations. By visualizing the donation journey and identifying any potential obstacles, the nonprofit can take proactive measures to optimize their fundraising strategies and ensure the successful completion of donations.
Ref: D3.01_Fundraising Manager Dashboard CY